
by Alex Thornber

I thought I’d kissed her goodnight but by morning it was clear I’d kissed her goodbye. She hadn’t moved but everything had changed. Her skin looked kind of grey and there was a small stream of dried blood under her nose. I’d never seen a dead person before, except on TV. But they’re all just make up and special effects and when the camera stops running they stand up and smile. I hoped that if I closed my eyes, when I opened them she’d be awake and a director would come in and say ‘Nice job, we got that in one take.’

I closed my eyes and held them there, then opened them. Closed. Opened. Closed. Opened. Closed.

Alex Thornber has also been published in places like Metazen, Full of Crow and Wilderness House Literary Review.

  1. #1 by Bob Jacobs on October 8, 2011 - 9:11 am

    Nice one, Alex.

  2. #2 by Dicky Carter on October 8, 2011 - 12:22 pm

    Oh I love this Alex.

    Do you ever think I wish I had written that? Is that the sign of good work, I don ‘t know, but either way I love this.

  3. #3 by alexthornber on October 8, 2011 - 10:54 pm

    Thanks Bob. Thanks also Dicky, I’m glad you liked it so much. I’m really proud of this one.

  4. #4 by Neeks on October 9, 2011 - 1:02 am

    What a vivid scene you paint with your words! Excellent.

  1. Goodnight/Goodbye « Alex Thornber

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